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FTX00 Series
Full Featured heating cooling Temperature ControllerFT series PID temperature controller is similar to other controllers we have but offers more options, items works with thermocouple and RTD inputs, comes with Relay, SSR Drive, or 4-20mA, 0-10VDC output, maximum 2 alarms avaiablel, standard version works on 85~265Vac, and 24VDC/AC source optional when order, apart from these standard features, this controller also has some unique features like soft-start for analog output which is pretty useful for some of application where the load needs to be protected from drastic increase power load, process value re-transmission and remote setting point, RS-485 modbus communication which makes this controller has the ability to handle different situations.
MTB series
Low Cost PID Temperature ON/OFF ControllerThis thermal controller offers some basic features with limited configuration options, it is for much less demanding application, despite it's cost-effective nature, still it offers Relay, SSR Drive and analog output, analog output being at the same price with the relay and SSR Drive output, maximum 2 alarms and heating+cooling control at the same time are possible, the alarm output can be used as a sub output to control a fan or valve in a system, TC/RTD and analog inputs compatible, 24VDC source and 85~265Vac source optional
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