Selecting correct temperature transmitters could be quite challenging from time to time, there are a lot of factors needs to be take into consideration, but first and foremost is to make sure that the measurement accuracy and to convert a temperature sensor’s low-level (ohm or mV) signal to a standard 4-20mA current signal that can be readily accepted by a monitoring and control system, such as a DCS or PLC The evolving technology has made the temperature transmitter reliable, affordable, below are the few things should be taken into consideration when choose the correct temperature transmitter. 1. Back of Panel or Local Installation Perhaps the most important consideration when specifying a temperature transmitter is the environment in which it will be installed. If the distance between the sensor measurement and the control room is relatively short and free of plant electrical "noise", temperature transmitters can be inexpensively installed in the control room, with senso...
The accuracy of a temperature transmitter is THE key aspects to look into, as with many instrumentation transmitter, a temperature transmitter needs to be adjusted or calibrated. So the current output of 4-20mA represents the temperature range of the process variable being measured, for example, a process variable temperature range of zero degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius will produce a current range of 4 to 20 mA.In every calibration scenario, a sensor is replaced by a device that can simulate the output of the sensor over the entire process variable temperature range. For a thermocouple, the sensor is replaced by a device that produces a range of millivolts. For an RTD sensors, the sensor is replaced by a device that produces a range of resistances. Devices produces resistances such as decade box, today ,we’ve got signal reference calibrators to generate various reference signals for RTD and thermocouples which makes the calibration for temperature transmitters ...
The temperature transmitter is a device which converts various temperature signals into analog signals like 4-20mA, 0-10VDC, Temperature transmitters are available in all different shapes and sizes, depending on the application and environment they are expected to operate. To name a few, they are DIN rail mounted temperature transmitters, also known as Rail temperature transmitters, field mounted temprature transmitters, Hockey puck temperature transmitters. Here at Maxwell, we offer all types of temperature transmitters, the most popular one would be standard version without isolation and some smart temperature transmitters like HART protocol temperature transmitter, RS-485 modbus Temperature transmitters.
PID control is the mainstream control method that is required in a lot of industrials, like food processing, plastic extrusion, semi-conductors etc. these industrial often need precision control and overshoot should be limited, PID control is also referred to as “Three-term” control. The three terms are: P for ProportionalI for IntegralD for Derivative The output of the controller is the sum of the three factors above, PID control takes different varibles into consideration and calculate an optimized outputs to excecute and dispatch approriate power to the load, therefore controls the process by maintaing the process value as close as it can be to the setting value. ON/OFF control, is a very simple control method, in a reverse control situation, when process value is lower than the setting value, full power will be applied to the load which is ON status, when process value is higher than the setting value, 0% power will be applied and this is OFF status, if you picture a co...
PID Temperature controller is a device working based on an algorithm where the controller compares the difference between the setting value and process value, based on the difference, the controller will calculate how much power needs to be feeded to the load to keep the process value as close as it can be torwards the setting value, this is a baisc concepts of the temperature controllers.